This is who we are

Culture & Values

Our Culture, as defined by our core values, is the bedrock upon which Cryptic Vector’s identity, success, and sustainability are built. Culture encompasses our shared beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that shape our organization's environment and define our character. Our core values serve as our moral compass, defining the fundamental principles and ideals that Cryptic Vector upholds. These values dictate our approach to business, our relationships with customers, and our commitment to being a great place to work. By fostering a strong and positive culture grounded in well-defined core values, Cryptic Vector has established a cohesive and supportive work environment, inspiring employee engagement and loyalty, and fostering a sense of shared mission and identity.

Be Excellent

Be excellent

We hold high standards. At each position within the company, we are recognized as leaders in our respective disciplines. We are deeply passionate about our work and dedicated to our craft. We are continually improving to keep the standard high. We are constantly curious, gravitating toward new challenges and generating new ideas. Professional excellence is a state of mind.

Be Kind

Be kind

We are cooperative and easy to work with. We are willing to listen to others and work together toward a common goal. We are adaptable and flexible - willing to adjust in order to accommodate the needs of the team. We are supportive and helpful, always willing to lend a hand when needed. Overall, we have a positive and friendly demeanor, and are a pleasure to work with.

Work Hard

Work hard

Failure is not an option. Due to our passion for our customers’ missions and our pride in Cryptic Vector, our product, and our colleagues, we do what it takes to meet customer needs on time, on budget, and with high quality – no matter how challenging the project.

Play Hard

Play hard

Playing hard is just as important as working hard. We are at our best when we have a healthy life away from work – work-life balance is required! We also enjoy recreational games in the office, have work sponsored events outside of the office, and celebrate our victories together. Brains need breaks!



We collaborate in a positive and energetic way. We succeed when everyone is actively participating, learning from each other, and openly communicating. This applies to technical experts sharing their knowledge and time, but also to company leadership transparently sharing plans and results.

Employees Win

Employees win

Employees drive our success, and we believe in sharing that success with employees. We are committed to investing in employees through best-in-class benefits, employee development, and profit sharing. We are committed to providing a work environment that makes employees proud and allows them to enjoy work each day.